Enhancing Environmental Awareness and Behaviors among Students at Al-Mansoura Junior High School: Community Service Activities

Nurfajrian Abdurrohman, Lazuardhi Akbar Alkautsar, Reisya Assyifaa, Ratu Aisyah Almira, Edi Purwanto


This paper explores the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and 13 (Climate Action) into community service activities at Al-Mansoura Junior High School. It examines its impact on students' environmental awareness and behaviors. Through a structured program that included pre-tests, educational sessions, interactive quizzes, and post-tests, the initiative aimed to enhance students' understanding of environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. The result of the community service initiaive indicate a significant improvement in students' comprehension and engagement with SDGs 12 and 13, as evidenced by the comparative analysis of pre-test and post-test results. The educational interventions increased factual knowledge and fostered a deeper understanding of the interconnections and long-term implications of climate change and sustainable consumption. The successful implementation at Al-Mansoura Junior High School provides a model for similar initiatives, demonstrating that well-structured educational programs can significantly impact students' ecological literacy and behaviors.

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